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Web3歳年下の弟ゲイロード・ペリーは、メジャー歴代17位の314勝を挙げている大投手である。 兄弟で挙げた勝利数の合計529勝は フィル・ニークロ ・ ジョー・ニークロ 兄弟の合計539勝Web Japanese » Japanese ↔ » Japanese ↔ search Arabic Bulgarian Chinese Croatian Czech Danish Dutch English Estonian Finnish French German Greek Hebrew Hindi
ゲイロード ペリー
ゲイロード ペリー-Web Gaylord Perry was a Baseball Hall of Fame pitcher who pitched for eight Major League teams from 1962 until 19 He won the Cy Young Award twice and was the firstWeb不正投球を“エンタメ”に昇華させたゲイロード・ペリー。 殿堂入りも果たした名投手と薬物疑惑に揺れ続けるバリー・ボンズの「違い」<SLUGGER> 1802 12月1日に84
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Web He and his brother, Jim, are the only pair of brothers to each win a Cy Young Gaylord Perry won more games than any pitcher in the 1960s and '70s combined It tookWeb Gaylord Perry, who pitched for eight teams, was a fivetime AllStar, pitched a nohitter for the San Francisco Giants against the St Louis Cardinals in 1968 and won atWeb Gaylord Perry, a Baseball Hall of Famer who won 314 games in a 22season career, died Thursday morning in Gaffney, the Cherokee County Coroners Office confirmed
Web See Tweets about #ゲイロード・ペリー投手 on Twitter See what people are saying and join the conversationWeb Gaylord and Jim Perry pitched one full season together on the same squad, and they left quite the family impression the Perry boys accounted for 38 of Cleveland’s 77Web Article Gaylord Perry, a burly Hall of Fame pitcher who struck out more than 3,500 batters and won 314 games while acquiring a reputation as the king of the spitball,
ゲイロード ペリーのギャラリー
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「ゲイロード ペリー」の画像ギャラリー、詳細は各画像をクリックしてください。
Web Baseball Hall of Famer and twotime Cy Young Award winner Gaylord Perry, a master of the spitball and telling stories about the pitch, died Thursday Perry died at hisWeb Baseball Hall of Famer and twotime Cy Young Award winner Gaylord Perry, a master of the spitball, died Thursday He was 84 Perry died at his home in Gaffney at
Incoming Term: ゲイロード ペリー, ゲイロード ペリー なんj,
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